HHS Rescue Road Blog

A look inside animal shelter life and the road to rescue.

This blog contains original content created by our team and we do not accept blog contributions or paid content on our website. Thank you for your understanding.

Introducing a New Cat to Your Family

By Melissa Kauffman Are you counting the days until the arrival of a new furry family member? If so, this is an exciting time for you! If you have ever had the good fortune to spend time in the company of cats, you know that they also seek the attention and company of their humans. They are not...

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Family In All Its Forms

Our staff member Carla took some time to reflect on her work with our animals and the importance of family now more than ever. We love what she had to say about animal welfare and our human and animal families: “This year more than ever, family is so important! Having a passion to make a...

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Nail Trimming and Grooming Advice for Dogs

By: Melissa Kauffman When it comes to trimming a dog’s nails, it can certainly be tricky. There are many owners who take their dogs to the groomers for trimming, for fear of hurting their pooch or getting it wrong.  Nail neglect can lead to pain and health risks for your four-legged friend,...

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Holiday Safety for Pets

Holidays can be a dangerous and nerve-wracking time for household pets, with the food, guests, and excitement of the time of year. Please take efforts to be vigilant and keep an eye on your pets during the stressful holiday seasons. Guests Frequently Opened Front Door - With the constant coming...

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Spreading Awareness this ‘Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week’

By: Melissa Kauffman In 2009, Petfinder established Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week to raise awareness of the need to recognize and adopt pets that seem to be frequently overlooked. The week falls in the third week of September, and it's celebrated annually. This year, the week falls between 21st...

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