A Better Life for Betty


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UPDATE 2: Betty visit the cats at HHS!

Not only did sweet Betty meet the staff at HHS, but she also paid a visit with a few feline residents of our Cat Lodge. You can watch video of her encounters on our Facebook page by clicking HERE.

We're so grateful for all the support that keeps coming in! Please share her story so that it may touch even more hearts! We can't do this kind of work without all of you.

UPDATE 1: We are so moved by the outpouring of support that has occurred in the past 24 hours! We've reached our initial goal to cover the current costs of Betty's care, namely her emergency hospitalization, but her journey has just begun.

If you're just learning of Betty's story, we still need your help! Please consider making a contribution to HHS, which will not only go towards Betty's continued care, but will also help the next dog (or cat) that comes to us in desperate need.

Sometimes in animal rescue, things that occur in our wildest nightmares become a reality. That’s what happened when we were called on to help a dog named Betty.

Betty was found in the most deplorable, disturbing situation. Two women discovered her barely alive in a plastic container that had crates stacked on top of it. Fully matted, extremely underweight, and scared to even move, Betty stared at the women who pulled her out of the container. Miraculously, she survived because of a small hole in the lid and her instinct to eat and drink her own excrement. 

These heartbroken heroes rushed her to MedVet in Chicago, hoping to save her life. They had no idea if she would make it, as she was so neglected, so starved, and so scared. On the way to the hospital, Betty began to move. It was as if she knew her ordeal of terrible abuse and neglect was over. Our partners at MedVet jumped in immediately and began working tirelessly to bring Betty back to health. Betty is now clean. She is no longer matted. She is safe.

It is estimated that Betty spent almost a month in the plastic container. While her normal weight should be 35–40 lbs, she weighed a mere 19 lbs when she arrived at MedVet.

We don’t know why anyone would do this to another living being, but we are here now to give her a better life. Betty has been resilient and is a survivor. Betty deserves better, and from now on, she will be treated like she should have been her entire life—with love and compassion. 

Betty’s care has been excellent. However it comes with a price. Her vet care has cost over $5000. Thankfully, because of our Zach Leathers Emergency Fund, we have been able to cover some of her emergency medical costs, but we’re just at the beginning of Betty's journey back to health. Going forward, she will need special food and care, continued lab work, and close monitoring for the next few months. 

Please consider donating to Betty and her care. Every donation counts, no matter how small.

Help us give her what she deserves: a healthy and happy future in a loving home.  

Here’s how you can make an impact!

1) Make a donation to Hinsdale Humane Society.

2) Follow her story as we post updates on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

3) Share her story! You never know whose heart her story might touch.

Betty thanks you for your support!