Unleashed Fund a Need

Fund a need sq

There’s still time to contribute to our Fund-A-Need! Your donation in any amount will help HHS  perform the following services and get much needed equipment.

Donate to Support the Needs Below

Heartworm Treatment

Heartworm is spread by infected mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites an infected dog, it can then transmit the larvae to another dog. The larvae enter the dog’s bloodstream and eventually develop into adult worms that grow in and around the dog’s heart and lungs. This can be deadly if allowed to go untreated due to its ability to cause heart failure and disrupt lung function. 

The treatment involves a series of treatments over three months and they can be very difficult on the patient. It can cost the average pet owner around two thousand dollars to treat heartworm at a private practice. We offer full financial coverage to adopters for the treatment of our heartworm dogs with the total cost at approximately five hundred dollars per dog. We want to be able to say yes to at least twenty dogs in 2024, which would total ten thousand dollars.

Cat Play-Around

As a result of the ever-increasing amounts of animals coming to our door, we want to set up a specialized kennel in the lobby to house our overflow cats and showcase litters of kittens, or safely house our cats with feline leukemia. This cat play-around is awesome for our space. This item will cost us between six and eight thousand dollars.

Canine Scholarship Fund

Our Canine Training Scholarship Fund provides training for families and dogs who need behavioral help but may not have financial means to support the training process. This not only helps the family, but it also helps to keep the dog from being surrendered to the shelter. In 2023, eight per cent of families who received financial support for training kept their dog in the home. Each session costs between one hundred and one hundred twenty-five dollars.

Reactivity Barriers

These visual barriers block a dog’s view of other dogs walking past them in our kennels, providing a chance to “take a break” from their neighbors. This will result in a reduction of stress levels and the additional frustration they may experience, helping them better adjust to living in a shelter environment.